Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's been a LONG TIME

Well folks. It really has been a long time. Two days after my last post I was admitted into the hospital for what they now say was a norovirus. Since then 2010 has been up and down and down and up. It's a roller coaster ride.

Let's sum it up:

April: Admitted into the hospital, and stayed for 4 days. The next week I was diagnosed with Lyme's Disease.

May: Mom and Dad each had their birthday. Jason's nephew, Mason, was born. I got new glasses and contacts (small detail, but I am happy about that)

June: no clue what happened this month, seriously

July: I started a racing series in sailing! Go me! No real training and I was out there, sort of contending!

August: Jason and I moved in together :). Jason started a new job that is in Blue Bell, Pa. We thought it was going to be a job where he traveled four days a week out of state. First client's home base: Blue Bell, PA.....UGH

September: I started a new job!!!! It gives me the ability to work at Apple bee's maybe one day a week....woooohoo! Unfortunately, my cousin passed away, but I was able to see my favorite cousin, Rob, and be there for him.

October: My best-est friend and my little sister got married. I was honored to sign her wedding license. Then only one week later, Chloe won third prize in the dog costume contest. I also got to see Rocky Horror LIVE for the first time.
Oh and October was also another terrible medical month. I woke up in pain one night, and was unable to move my shoulder for two weeks. Diagnosis? Stress. Go figure!!

November: Overall, not a bad month. We went hiking with Lori and the family. We celebrated Brian and Maureen's birthdays. I discovered the library once again, and will probably be reviewing some books from time to time. We watched the first season of West Wing. Dogtoberfest in November was a blast and Alvin smooched me (Alvin is Jenny's dog)

Wooooo! Whirlwind, right!

Ok, so now it is Thanksgiving Eve, and I am covering the phones at work. By the way, I work for an educational company. So, most schools had half days today and are off until Monday, so you can imagine how busy I am. :)

Tomorrow is the Turkey Trot, a 5K in Flemington. I told one of the more important people at work today that I am doing it. Thirty minutes later he had me signed up for the Broad Street Run in Philadelphia, PA. That one is a 10 miler, but at least it;s in May, so I have plenty of time to train. :) It would be very cool to with the high execs of the company.

So I think this blog was originally supposed to be about migraines, which I will talk about because they have been pretty severe. So severe, I had to prove to work that I have them.

So topics to expect: migraines, lymes disease, Polar Bear Plunge, 10 mile run training, my excessive need to work, West Wing Episodes review, and book reviews


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