Friday, March 5, 2010

Polar Bear Plunge 2010

I am very excited for this weekend! I will be doing the Polar Bear Plunge in Seaside Heights, New Jersey. The Plunge had been postponed due to poor weather conditions in Seaside Heights. The plunge will now happen on Saturday, March 6, 2010 at 1pm in Seaside Heights, NJ. Over 3,000 people will be plunging into the arctic in support of the Special Olympics of NJ. The team that I am a part of has raised over $30,000 to date, and the money keeps coming in :) The team was supposed to have a warming up party after the event, but when the event was postponed they decided to still have it last week! This is my family at the event, along with my boyfriend!

Can't wait to jump into the frigid waters with my family and some of my best friends!!! Donate here!

Thursday, March 4, 2010 just a little History

I have had migraines now for almost 16 years…and as an almost 31 year old…that is over half my life with pain. In the past, doctors have had me give up caffeine, and done stress tests. We have done MRIs and CAT scans. I have been put on daily beta blockers, and gone through 4 prescription pain meds. Why four? I managed to grow an immunity to the others. So now here I am trying new things for the diet to help myself out. Towards the beginning of the year, I gave up monosodium glutamate, or at least attempted to. It's amazing how much of this is in everything I ate!!! Now, more recently, upon a friend's suggestion, I am lowering my dairy intake. They told me that they had done that, upon their doctor's instructions, and have been migraine free for four weeks!!!! I figured anything is worth a try at this point!

Of course, it starts off very discouraging for me when I had a migraine yesterday: a BAD one. Vision blurred, throwing up, every muscle in my bottom tight….not fun. The worst part was that it came out of NOWHERE, and all of a sudden I was practically incapaciated. I say "practically" because I had no choice but to stay at work. I have missed too many days to afford to leave.

This was just a minor setback in my opinion!! I took the time at lunch today to go through some dairy and MSG free recipes I found on the web. I think that maybe if I can make this more enjoyable to myself (given I love to cook), it may make it easier. Any recipes I find that are worth making again, I will be more than happy to share!!

Finally, I can begin....

I guess this blog has been a long time coming…I mostly wanted to write about the problems I have been having with migraines, so that I could have a documented account. Then, maybe it could help other people with what they are going through. Of course, from time to time I plan to discuss other topics on the site!! What fun would the site be without a little variety?!